rowan tree blossom

MARCH 2024

Argh! It's March already. Health improving, church situation slightly better. Novella, at last, having a last edit by me before going to the professional editor and the book designer. Life very domestic with so many tomatoes, peppers and courgettes needing saucing, pickling and freezing and cucumbers and lettuce needing homes. I've been feeding the neighbourhood. It's been a hot and bountiful summer in the garden.

March has already brought snow and cold in between very hot days. Quite weird weather for autumn. And everything, berries, fruit, even coloured leaves, is a month or more early. My late pears and peaches are over. They shouldn't be ripe until the end of March.I t's not good for the insects and birds. I can see I'll need another insect 'wall' in a sheltered nook and be doing a lot of bird feeding this winter.

The new novel research could take me ten years. Instead I aim to wing it quite a bit as there are very few facts to work with. I fancy a free flow poetry, prose-poetry style story line if I can make the characters behave. The reading for the research is fun though. I'm learning a lot.

Marketing direct from my book website is now nearly all set up. Soon my readers will be able to click on the book page and buy it. So much easier for me and the readers. I'll be supporting myself and not the big companies. Does mean more marketing work though. Sigh!



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